We are always looking to partner with people and organizations in our community and beyond. If you or your organization are interested in partnering in the following ways, please use the contact form below to reach out:
Volunteer Opportunities
Sports & Career Literacy Camp Education Partner*
Health and Wellness Fair Collaborator
Metro Soles Donation Partnership**
Access Play Donation Partnership**
* Our ideal partner is an expert in their field, particularly within S.T.E.M. industries, including the arts and agriculture, who will help lead the educational component of our Sports and Career Literacy Camps. Our partners enjoy interacting with kids and want to inspire and motivate youth. This is a one time 4-hour time commitment. Previous examples of program partners include a financial planner, artist, computer science engineer, and robotics specialist.
** We are looking for business partnerships, primarily with apparel and sports equipment retailers. Donations from individuals are accepted, but items must be in new or like-new condition.